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10th Batthyány Summer School

Click on the image above the see the whole call for applications!

Application deadline:

12 June 2015

 How to apply to the 10th Batthyány Summer School?

Applications should include:

- a completed application form, download it here

- a letter of recommendation from a professor (not compulsory but recommended)

- a letter of motivation including a short outline of current research


Applications must be submitted via e-mail to Mr. dr. János Kálmán (szeblszk@gmail.com).

The applicants will be informed about the admission until 14 June 2015.

Information and contact: on the email above.


Registration fee: 100 EUR. This includes accommodation and 3 meals per day (breakfast,  lunch and dinner) in a restaurant. The fee shuold be paid in cash at the time of the arrival.

Contribution in the Conference Proceedings: 50 EUR. Only if you wish to publish the edited version of your presentation.

We provide the technical background, the edited volume of the scientific results of our workshop sessions – and unique hospitality.


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We are looking forward to welcoming You in Győr, visit the website of the city:



Additional Summer Schools in Europe



Organizers (under the aegis of Széchenyi István University):

 Batthyány Lajos College