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Acceptance of new students

Announcement of new Research Topics and acceptance of new Students

Supervisors and topic announcements


The responsibility of the supervisor is crucial and very important in terms of the successful passing of the Comprehensive Examination of the doctoral student he/she supervises, and the submission of the doctoral thesis within the time prescribed by law.

In view of this, the work of the supervisors is of particular importance from the point of view of the operation of the Doctoral School. The requirements for supervisors and supervision are contained in the quality assurance regulations of the Doctoral School.

The current list of the supervisors of the Doctoral School is available via the following link: www.doktori.hu


Topic announcements

Available topics to choose from are available on www.doktori.hu


Important information and details for the applicants

The topic announcements usually contain a description of research directions marked for orienting main purposes, within which the future supervisor and the applicant develop the precise and detailed research plan together.

In addition, a supervisor may lead a topic that is different from the announced research topic but has sufficient expertise in the field of research. The doctoral council will approve this action after the agreement of the supervisor and the prospective student. For those interested and future applicants, we therefore recommend that you contact the current supervisors and thesis advisors of the Doctoral School, either by email or in person, and make an appointment with them.