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Official datas of the Doctoral School

List of "Core Members" and other official datas of the Doctoral School 


Council of the Doctoral School

Internal Members of the Council (with voting right)

Dr. Vanda Lamm, professor emerita

Dr. Péter Takács DSc, university professor, Head of the Doctoral School

Dr. Gábor Kovács PhD, university professor

Dr. Judit Lévayné Fazekas CSc, university professor

Dr. Péter Smuk PhD, university professor


External Members of the Council (with voting right)

Dr. Gyula Bándi DSc., university professor (PPKE)

Dr. Béla Blaskó CSc, university professor (NKE)

Dr. Attila Menyhárd PhD, university professor (ELTE)


Student representative (with voting right)

Dr. Dorottya Biczi, doctoral student


Permanent Invitees (with consulting right)

Core members of the Doctoral Council

Dr. Mátyás Bencze PhD, university professor

Dr. István Stumpf CSc., university professor

Dr. András Szegedi PhD, associate professor

Dr. Csaba Erdős PhD, associate professor


Fromer Heads of the Doctoral School

Dr. Péter Szigeti DSc., professor emeritus

Dr. Imre Verebélyi DSc., professor emeritus


Scientific Secretary of the Doctoral School

Dr. Dalma Takó PhD, senior lecturer


Leaders of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences

Dr. Gábor Hulkó PhD, associate professor, Academic and International Vice Dean

Dr. László Knapp PhD, associate professor, Vice Dean for Eductional affairs

Dr. Jácint Ferencz PhD, associate professor

Dr. Éva Göndör PhD, associate professor

Dr. Gergely Karácsony PhD,  associate professor

Dr. Mónika Nogel PhD, associate professor


 Core members of the Doctoral School os Law and Political Sceinces

Dr. Vanda Lamm

member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS)

professor emerita

Dr. Péter Takács


university professor

Dr. Mátyás Bencze


university professor

Dr. Gábor Kovács


university professor

Dr. Judit Lévayné Fazekas


university professor

Dr. Péter Smuk


university professor

Dr. István Stumpf


university professor

Dr. Csaba Erdős


associate professor

Dr. András Szegedi


associate professor

Former Core members of the Doctoral School

  • Dr. Barnabás Lenkovics CSc
  • Dr. András Patyi PhD
  • Dr Mihály. T Révész CSc
  • Dr. Gábor Sulyok PhD
  • Dr. Gyula Szalay † CSc
  • Dr. Zoltán Zsolt Szente DSc
  • Dr. Péter Szigeti Dsc
  • Dr. István Vavró † DSc
  • Dr. Imre Verebélyi DSc


Doctoral School Identification Data
  • Name: Széchenyi István University Law and Political Sciences
  • ID number: 187
  • Field of expertise: social sciences
  • Discipline: Law and Political Sciences
  • Affiliation: the doctoral school operates within the framework of Széchenyi István University together with the Faculty od Deák Ferenc Law and Political Sciences
  • Years of accreditation: 2008, 2015, 2020/2022. Accredited until 25th of March 2027

For more details about the Doctoral School: see here

Contact us: see here