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Esemény neve The Development Prospects of Industrial Cities In Central Europe
Időpont 2014. Május 21. 09:30 - 20:00
Kategória Kautz Gyula Gazdaságtudományi Kar
Típus Rendezvények
Helyszín Széchenyi István Egyetem, VIP terem
Esemény küldése e-mailben E-mail cím
Esemény importálása saját naptárba letöltés

The Development Prospects of Industrial Cities In Central Europe


The Development Prospects of Industrial Cities In Central Europe

Venue:  Széchenyi István University, VIP Hall (Győr, Egyetem tér 1.)
Date:   21 May 2014

9.30     Registration
10.00   Opening, welcome address, PÉTER FÖLDESI, rector, Széchenyi István University
10.15   Plenary session 1.
13.00   Lunch
14.00   Plenary session 2.
16.30   Coffee Break
17.00   Roundtable Discussion The development prospects of industrial cities in Central Europe
19.00   Reception

10.15   Plenary session 1.

  • PETR PAVLÍNEK professor, Charles University, Prague; University of Nebraska, Omaha The internationalization of corporate R&D and the development of automotive R&D in East-Central Europe
  • BOLESŁAW DOMAŃSKI professor – KRZYSZTOF GWOSDZ associate professor, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management Jagiellonian University, Kraków Regional and local dynamics of the automotive industry in Poland: determinants and prospects
  • ÉVA KISS professor, scientific advisor, HAS CAES Geographical Institute, Budapest title of the presentation under consultation
  • RUDOLF PÁSTOR assistant professor, Faculty of National Economy Economic University of Bratislava The development of infocommunication technologies in Slovakia

14.00   Plenary session 2.

  • JAN SUCHÁČEK professor, Department of Regional and Environmental Economics VŠB Technical University of Ostrava Some notes on (post)industrial cities in Central Europe
  • ADAM DROBNIAK associate professor, Department of Spatial Economics University of Economics, Katowice Resilience in the Upper Silesia post-industrial cities
  • DARKO VUKOVIC assistant professor, Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić”, Belgrade Towards revitalization of industrial cities in Serbia
  • GÁBOR LUX research fellow, HAS CERS Institute for Regional Studies, Pécs Transcending duality? From FDI-dominated to endogenous development.

Registration is free of charge. Please register here: http://www.mrtt.hu/en/registration_CE_industrial_cities.html
The language of the conference is English.
To download invitation click here.