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Invitation to Rastislav Funta's habilitation lectures



The Habilitation Committee of the Széchenyi István University Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law and Political Sciences cordially invites you to the public habilitation lectures of


JUDr. Rastislav Funta, PhD., LL.M. (Danubius University, SK)


Title and date of the scientific lecture:

The Privacy Protection and the EU-US Data Flows: a New Era of Data Protection?

25 April 2019 (Thursday) 10.30, Room „Deák”


Title and date of the classroom lecture:

Freedom of Establishment of Companies in the EU: Basic Concepts and Practical Case Solving

25 April 2019 (Thursday) 12.10, Room „J3”


All are open to the public.



Széchenyi István University, Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law and Political Sciences

Hungary - 9026 Győr, Áldozat utca (street) 12.



The Evaluation Committee:



Prof. Dr. Vanda Lamm, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, professor emerita (University of Győr)



Prof. Dr. Lénárd Darázs PhD, professor, vice-rector (Eötvös Loránd University)

Dr. habil. László Milassin PhD, associate professor (University of Győr)



Prof. Dr. Péter Miskolczi Bodnár CSc, professor, head of department, dean, (Károli Gáspár University)

Prof. Dr. Sulyok Gábor PhD, professor (University of Győr)



Dr. Erdős Csaba PhD, senior lecturer, secretary of the Habilitation Committee (University of Győr)



Theses of the habilitation are available at the website of the Faculty (https://doktiskjog.sze.hu/downloadmanager/index/id/9433/m/3620) and at the Secretariat of the Habilitation Committee (9026 Győr, Áldozat utca (street) 12. II. Room 208). The entire public procedure is open to anybody.



13 March 2019



                              Prof. Dr. Péter Szigeti DSc                                                          Dr. Csaba Erdős PhD

                      chair of the Habilitation Committee                                    secretary of the Habilitation Committee